Saturday 11 October 2014


                                         H.E.L.L.O !

Today, I would like to share on what I have learned on ELC class last week.

Evaluation on Sourcing Materials

As a student, they have to know on how to find the right sourcing materials since they need to complete some assignment that had given to them. So, it will be easier for them to accomplish the assignment since they know the right ways to do it.

       There are a few sources materials that every students used in order to complete assignment given. The famous sources materials are :

1                    -      The internet
2                    -      Books
3                    -      Magazine
4                    -      Newspaper
            In order to use these source materials, one must check for some information to make sure that the information given can be reliable. Here are some important information that we need to check ;

Ø  Check for the author.
·         Name
·         Author’s credentials
·         Is the author associated with a reputable institution or organization
·         Authors reputation among his/her peers

Ø  Date of publishing.
·         When was the source published
·         Is the source current or out-of-date for your topic

Ø  Publisher

Ø  Content

Ø  Intended audience

There are also other important information that we need to check like their writing style, quality and the relevance. That’s all from me. Thank you !